A single administration of ibogaine will significantly reduce the symptoms of opiate, and other drug addiction, withdrawal. Often, if an addict has an exceptionally large drug habit, it is necessary to take additional smaller doses of ibogaine. Ibogaine is active in the brain’s opiate, and other addiction-related, receptors that relate to physical dependence.
Therefore, an addict usually experiences an eighty to ninety percent reduction of the withdrawal symptoms that would have occurred if the addict had gone ‘cold turkey’ and left these brain receptors unfilled by a substance like ibogaine. Ibogaine is not itself addictive. After ingestion, ibogaine metabolizes in the liver into its active metabolite, nor-ibogaine.
Noribogaine remains in the body and continues to bind to opiate, and other, receptors for several weeks or months after a single dose. Noribogaine will help to prevent post-treatment withdrawal symptoms, and may also act as an anti-depressant. Ibogaine is effective when used to initially detoxify an addict; long-term abstinence varies, and is related to the type of aftercare that the patient adheres to, as well as to the patient’s readiness to become, and to remain, clean and sober.
Physical symptoms after a detoxification with ibogaine may include muscle aches, fatigue, or reduced need for sleep, any of which can last for several weeks.